Professors, doctors, scientists, leaders. Everyday women around the world prove their worth through hard work and dedication. They are role models to future generations and a true legacy of women before them who fought bravely to be given their rights. The fact that these women have never backed down from their dreams even though they still face gender inequality at the workplace and in life is one more reason we should think of them as true heroes of today.

There are many among us who have tried to start their own businesses. Some were successful and others not. But what all of them have learned is just how hard an ordeal like that can be. But without any hesitation we can say that the situation is even worse for women. Balancing their personal and private life (even more so if they are a mother), and trying to have fun in the meantime by playing games or using bet365 kod bonus, or hanging out with their friends, on top of trying to be taken seriously in a world dominated by men, is something that is both admired and respected.
However, there are women who excelled in this area. As a matter of fact, in the US there are nearly 50% of women-owned businesses. And to celebrate the positive news, below are listed some of the most successful entrepreneurs of today!
Sophia Amoruso
Things weren’t easy for Sophia. The path to her empire was a bumpy one, but she managed to stay positive and think ahead. In 2015 she left the position of CEO for Nasty Gal only to dedicate herself to her own brand, Girlboss, through which she empowers women daily.
Huda Kattan
After leaving her job in Dubai, Huda decided to dominate the world of beauty products. She found her opportunity in false eyelashes of great quality. In her pursuit, she started making her own products. Her company, Huda Beauty, is now worth millions of dollars.

Arianna Huffington
Maybe you heard about the news website HuffPost? Well, Arianna is its co-founder but also its former editor-in-chief. However, HuffPost wasn’t her only successful endeavor. She also wrote books, and created a website, Thrive Global, dealing with people’s overall wellbeing.
JK Rowling
One of the most inspiring stories is the one about the success of JK Rowling. After years of being forced to write in her notebooks while commuting and constant rejection from different publishing houses, her Harry Potter saga conquered the world in an instant. Once her first book was out there, people couldn’t get enough of it. Today Harry Potter brand are not just books, but also video games, movies, merchandise, and adventure parks.

Vera Wang
Vera’s story has only one message – It’s never too late. She started working on her brand when she made her own wedding dress. She was 40 at that time. Even though her previous connections with Vogue have helped her in building her career, she has proven that no matter when you decide to work on your dreams it can be worth your time.